Welcome to Successful Independent Business. Here are my Silver Bullet Solutions this week.
First up, on this site we have a brilliant marketing expert explaining how she used a free software program available to anyone and with no experience with the software, created a viral video that has now been viewed 22,000 times. To find this video, click here or go to the home page of this site, find Trending in the upper right hand corner, and click on the chef in the hazmat suit with the spatulas. Once there, you can listen to Jenna Shaffer explain how she created a viral video on Facebook without spending a dime. She didn’t boost the post, didn’t pay a dime to Facebook. You’ll be glad you listened to it.
Also on Successful Independent Business, you can learn about the Destination Creation Course. Click here or go to the Destination Creation Course logo on the home page. This class is available to any owner, anywhere in the world. If you want to make your business capable of pulling in more customers and being a Destination for Consumers. Whether your business is open now, or if it’s closed because of Covid-19, the Destination Creation Course can help you attract higher spending consumers to your business, either right now or when consumers can physically return to businesses. You’ll also see a list of different scheduled classes that you can register for, right now. Classes are starting every week. Just go to the Class Schedule button on the left side of the home page or click here to find the Class Schedule.
Finally, if your business is open right now, you might not be using the simplest, lowest cost, highest profit-generating marketing tactic that increases your chance of bringing in repeat customers whenever you want them to return.
That simple tactic: It’s called a Bounceback promotion. Long word, simple concept.
A Bounceback promotion is used to drive customers back to your business for an extra, unplanned visit.
Here’s how simple it is: Last night, we ordered takeout from a local restaurant. There was nothing in our refrigerator that looked good and we’re both going a little crazy working and living in the same space (just like all of you). We needed out.
So, we ordered a burger and an order of ribs. The restaurant we called said: “Give us 20 minutes. What kind of car are you driving? We’ll bring out your food when you get here. What’s your credit card number?” We told them what they needed and 20 minutes later, we were in their restaurant parking lot.
Right on time, within minutes of us pulling in, the owner walks out with our meal in a takeout bag. “Your receipt’s in the bag”, he said, handing over our food. But when we got home, something was missing. Not from our order. What was missing was his Bounceback promotion. If this owner wanted us to return the next day, there would have been an incentive in the bag, printed on paper (could’ve been hand written), but it would have given us an incentive to return sometime in the future. “Tomorrow, Buy 1 burger, get onion rings for free!” “Tomorrow, with any two entrees, get a $10 gift certificate that can be used on a future takeout order.” Those are two simple examples, and the last example is a Bounceback promotion with another Bounceback. (I know; I amaze my wife every day, too). 🙂
So before you make the sale with any customer, think about what you can do to bring that person back again, tomorrow, next week, it doesn’t matter. But you must plan your Bounceback promotion now, for it to work tomorrow and present it to your purchasing customer today.
That’s it. Thanks for reading my Less than 2 minute blog.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive in this crazy new world.
Thanks, everyone!
Jon Schallert