Jon’s Blog

Writing Expert Dr. Henriette Klauser to Speak at Summit Business Conference

Once you’ve listed your dreams, the handwriting isn’t just on the wall, says Dr. Henriette Anne Klauser. It’s in the filter at the base of your brain, the reticular activating system (RAS) that helps direct your attention. That’s why Klauser, author of Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want, And Getting It and four other books, advocates list-making to achieve your goals.

There are going to be 10 Winners: Shouldn’t one of them be your Community?

Our company loves contests, especially ones that motivate communities to support local businesses. That’s why we’re awarding $22,000 in our company’s consulting services to those communities who send the most people from their city or town to the Summit Business Conference in Boulder, Colorado, October 18-19 (where I’m one of the 9 speakers).

Are You Creating Breakthrough Success? Ask Terri Norvell

I want to share with you Terri Norvell’s article on creating “Breakthrough Success”. For those who are constantly focusing on the economy as the reason things aren’t better, it’s more complicated than that. I meet business owners every day who are slamming the brakes on their own success. Read more at the Summit Business Conference blog at

Mike Kerr is excited about going to work. How excited are you?

Mike Kerr is the opening keynote speaker at the Summit Business Conference. Mike is going to teach all of us how we as leaders of our businesses and organizations can stamp out daily stress, boost the morale of our teams, infuse creativity into our lives, and create an inspiring business and work environment, one that’s loved by our employees and also our customers.

Using Yammer to create a company network

Yammer is a social networking program that connects all your company’s employees through one central communication channel. It’s free to use, it’s totally private, and it’s only for your company. I first read about Yammer in a business magazine, where a boss was...

Handling Your Great, Good, and Bad Ideas: A 3-Step Process, Final Step #3

Doing it alone feels right, but it’s not. It feels right to plow forward, work longer, and make it on your own. This is your inner entrepreneur on a misguided quest to right your course. Instead, you must step back. Here is the third and final key in this process…

Handling Your Great, Good, and Bad Ideas: A 3-Step Process, Part 1

Here’s something that’s critical if you are going to build a better business: learn to act on your great ideas, nurture your good ones, and discard your bad ones. But this is easier said than done, especially for most owners of businesses. You see, most owners are extremely creative people with ideas constantly popping up in their heads every day…