Frances Jo Hamilton

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Frances Jo

Frances Jo Hamilton

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Frances lives by the statement that if your admin piece is not together your stuff is just not going to work. Finding her way in the non-profit world at the beginning of her career, serving as a volunteer, committee chairperson, board member, and community organizer, she learned the importance of a strong board that supports the health of its volunteers. She took the job as Executive Director of her communities’ Main Street program. Frances founded two other non-profit organizations and currently works with over 70 communities in Ohio to provide strategic planning, work planning, board development, committee training, leadership training, and overall organizational structure. Frances thrives in situations where there is a need for all parties to be heard but also helps to move groups toward a common goal. She prides herself on giving concrete next steps and providing ways for these communities to do, rather than talk about, what needs to happen.

Contact Information

Heritage, Chestnut Landing, Landen, Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio, 45039, United States