Freddie Killough

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Freddie Killough

Freddie Killough

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Freddie has been with Marion Business Association of Marion, North Carolina since 1990.  In that capacity, Freddie works with new & expanding businesses in the Economic Development office for the City of Marion.

With local partners, Freddie spearheaded the award winning Growing Entrepreneurs Marion (GEM) course for local entrepreneurial training.  With more than $600,000.00 GEM business investment and 90 plus graduates, GEM has played a major role revitalizing Downtown Marion.

Freddie was also recognized as the 2017 Rural Leader of the Year from the North Carolina Rural Center.

Freddie and her husband have owned and operated Killough’s Music in Downtown Marion since 1988.

Contact Information

Marion, McDowell County, North Carolina, 28752, United States