John Kramb

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John Kramb – Business Training Professional

John Kramb

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John Kramb has taught leadership to military officer candidates, college undergraduates, and graduate students in a variety of topics such as leadership, planning, change management, and management.  John has served on the planning commission for Franklin Township, the Gettysburg (PA) Chamber Board of Directors, and the Destination Gettysburg Board of Directors.  John is active in Rotary International and has served as district governor, foundation chair for south-central Pennsylvania, End Polio Coordinator for the Northeast United States and as a facilitator for the Leadership Institute and the President-Elect Training.  John and his wife, Katherine, have owned the Adams County Winery near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania since 1998 and have increased the company’s wine production over thirteen fold.  John looks forward to your increased success as a Facilitator of the Destination Creation Course.

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PA – Orrtanna