Keith Winge

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Keith Winge

Keith Winge

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Keith Winge is the Community Development Director for Missouri Main Street Connection.  He has been working to revitalize downtown communities since the mid-1990s. Prior to his role as Executive Director for Downtown Excelsior Partnership, a Main Street program in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, he served as a board member and officer from 2006 to 2010. Keith also has over 20 years of experience in the hotel/hospitality industry which included managing two historic hotels. His Main Street experience encompasses commercial district revitalization, grant writing, funding strategies, project management, tourism marketing, customer service, and community engagement. While in Excelsior Springs, Keith helped lead the effort to create a Community Improvement District to aid in the further expansion of tourism marketing and economic development in the Main Street district.

Contact Information

Excelsior Springs, Clay County, Missouri, 64024, United States