Kerri Falletti

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Kerri Falletti

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Kerri Falletti works for the Kansas Dept. of Commerce, serving communities across the state. Previously she worked for Cowley First – Cowley County Economic Development Partnership,  for nearly 18 years, serving as director for over 11 years. Cowley First is a countywide partnership dedicated to provide services and program creation to support of local entrepreneurs and small businesses, in expansion and retention of existing businesses, workforce development services, and attraction of new businesses and industries. She is a Certified Economic Developer, has experience as a Consultant with the Kansas Small Business Development Center as well as an adjunct Entrepreneurship Instructor for Cowley College. Throughout her experiences, Kerri has been passionate about providing assistance to businesses starting and growing throughout Cowley County. She believes getting to know business owners and working one-on-one helps build the relationships that strengthen our communities.

Contact Information

Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, 67156, United States