Lindsey Dotson

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Lindsey Dotson

Lindsey Dotson

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Lindsey Dotson is the Main Street DDA Director in Charlevoix, Michigan – a summer tourist destination with a year-round population of 2,500. She has a Masters in Historic Preservation and is a certified Main Street America Revitalization Professional. She has over 9 years of experience in downtown management. Lindsey has a passion for downtown walkability/accessibility, public engagement, and the historic built environment. She volunteers as a member of the Charlevoix Historical Society Board and serves as the Buildings and Grounds chair. She also serves as the staff liaison for the City of Charlevoix’s Historic District Commission. She loves living “up north” with her husband, their toddler son, chihuahua, and two cats. Hobbies include enjoying the outdoors and doing hands-on restoration work with historic masonry and wood windows.

Contact Information

Charlevoix, Charlevoix County, Michigan, United States