Lori Allen

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Lori Allen

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Lori Allen has over 20 years of experience helping small businesses and communities grow and thrive.  She is the owner of Opt Forward LLC, a consulting firm based in Brunswick, Maine providing services across New England.  She has previously served as a small business advisor for the Maine Small Business Development Center, the director of the Central Massachusetts Women’s Business Center at the Center for Women & Enterprise, and the director of the Maine Downtown Center at the Maine Development Foundation, which runs the Main Street Maine program.  She has worked with hundreds of small business owners over the years to support all aspects of their businesses, from financing and marketing to pricing and customer service.  One of her most favorite past projects was getting a grant to bring Jon to the state of Maine for on-the-ground training in several of Maine’s downtown districts, and she is delighted to now be able to bring the Destination Creation Course here as a facilitator herself.

Contact Information

Brunswick, Cumberland County, Maine, 04011, United States