Michelle Coolidge

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Michelle Coolidge Updated 2023 cropped

Michelle Coolidge

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Michelle Coolidge is the Director of her community consulting business, BB Associates based in Bayard, Nebraska. In her role with BB Associates, she works with communities and businesses in the region to increase access to tools and resources for building economic development foundations that lead to growth. A self-proclaimed “doer”, Michelle’s passion is to take an expressed need and identify the necessary steps that lead to successful completion of a project.

Through her former role as Mayor of the rural community of Bayard, Nebraska, Michelle recognized the need for a champion for the “little guys” and benefit of a regional approach in growing rural America. She continues to use this approach in her endeavors and looks forward to incorporating the expertise of Jon’s course into her efforts to connect businesses to their local communities and beyond.

Contact Information

Bayard, Morrill County, Nebraska, United States