Pauline Eaton

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Pauline Eaton

Pauline Eaton

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Pauline Eaton has served as the City Administrator for Orlando Main Streets since 2008. She developed the framework of Orlando’s original Main Street districts. The success of Orlando Main Streets have been frequently recognized in national and international publications such as The Boston Globe, The Toronto Sun, USA Today, New York Times and National Geographic. Pauline came to the City of Orlando in 2007 from Ohio where she presided as the Interim Executive Director and Director of Downtown Revitalization for Heritage Ohio.  She served as the State Coordinator for the Ohio Main Street Program for nearly six years. Pauline began her involvement in the historic preservation movement in 1993, and is certified as a Main Street Management Professional from the National Main Street Center. Pauline has also been a downtown business and property owner.  She and her husband owned and operated Checker’s Pizza in Uptowne Galion for six years.

Contact Information

Orlando, Orange County, Florida, 32801, United States