Richard Groves

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Richard Groves

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Rich Groves is in his eleventh year as Executive Director of the North Kansas City Business Council in North Kansas City, MO. Prior to that he was the first Manager of Liberty, Missouri’s Main Street program, Historic Downtown Liberty, Inc. (HDLI) and was a member of the Missouri Main Street Board of Directors. While with HDLI he earned accreditation as a Certified Main Street Manager. During that time Rich became an enthusiastic devotee of Jon’s Destination principles and signed on to become a facilitator of the Destination Creation Course. As Executive Director of the North Kansas City Business Council, Rich leads the organization’s actions to Support, Inform and Connect the 900+ businesses of North Kansas City. Rich uses the skills obtained through the National Main Street program, the Jon Schallert facilitation course and the leadership and facilitation experiences he had in the years he worked for large Kansas City-based corporations.

Contact Information

North Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri, 64416, United States