Verna O’Neill

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Verna O’Neill

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VLO Business Solutions founder and chief enthusiast, Verna O’Neill, loves community-focused initiatives that promote small business and help entrepreneurs and their communities thrive.  Over the past 25 years Verna has worked in many roles with the Community Futures (CF) program, most recently as General Manager of CF Sunrise in Saskatchewan.  Now a fresh, new resident of Kimberley, British Columbia, Verna plans to expand her network west. She has helped thousands of entrepreneurs reach their goals in becoming more profitable, strategic and creative in their approach to growing their business.  Her passion for small business is contagious and she is always looking to assist entrepreneurs at the grass-roots level.  From marketing strategies to financial analysis, Verna has a great wealth of diverse knowledge, skills and contacts to assist business owners. Past Destination Creation participants rave about their course experience with Verna as facilitator.

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BC – Kimberley