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The Economy and What’s Coming, I Think
With summer in full bloom, not many people are thinking about what’s going to happen to small businesses in the 4th Quarter of this year, on into the 1st Quarter of next year. But I am. And I think that many businesses are not prepared for the possibility of a second plateau in sales and consumer spending. Here’s what I think owners should be doing…
How to Use Facebook to Grow Customer Traffic & Sales in Your Business
Facebook announced last week that they have surpassed 500 million users. Depending on when you read this, that number could be a distant memory....
The Secret to Staying Smarter than Your Competition, When You Have No Time
How do you stay smarter than your competition and learn the newest techniques to grow your business when you don’t have time? Start by realizing that as an independent business owner, you cannot keep up with the newest tricks, tools, and techniques on your own. It’s just not going to happen…
As Cities Cut Back, Some Communities Step Up to Help Their Local Small Businesses
Thank you for taking a group of people who have been beaten down by the economy and giving them back the belief that it is possible to be prosperous again by empowering them to take charge of their own business in ways they never thought of before…
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